Monday, July 09, 2007

A Year On.......

It's been a year today (9th July) since my mum died. I don't want to make a annual big deal of it because I think its unnecessary to make anniversaries of the harsh events in life. Its not yearly that I think about her anyway, but rather everyday.

I have been wondering what have I accomplished this year and have I learnt anything or improved as a person.

I certainly had to wake out of a self indulgent mood I had been suffering early in 2006. It made me think a lot more about where I was brought up, and about my relationship with my family and my children. You've got to always appreciate what you have!

The other thing of course is that I got the push I needed to go through with the move out of Surrey and into East Sussex. I think it was Jane Marple that always said you could learn a lot about human nature within a village. Well I think the move to Bexhill has certainly opened up a diverse menagerie of human character and nature.

So all in all the year has been a good one, except at the start. I believe I have made more progress in my journey in life, I have greater empathy and understanding with those who have lost loved ones. Also as a family we are doing darn good. As the saying goes every cloud has a silver lining. (the weather had to get in their somewhere!)

Some photos i want to share of my mums garden, it may not be anything special to look at but it was her special place. I took these when I visited my father last Thursday.

I know I'm no photographer, and using a cameraphone doesn't help, but thats not really the purpose of these photos.

It's positive thoughts........

....and loving memories.


MaryB said...

Yes, I remember when your lovely mama died last year, chux. A beautiful tribute, garden pics and all. (And you've come a long way, baby -)

Chris said...

Oh, they're lovely pictures, Chux. Has it really been a year? I think your Mum would have been really pleased and proud with what you've achieved.

Clare said...

That's a lovely garden, Chux. I'm sure your mum would be really proud of you.

Delmonti said...

You're quite right there Chuckie, and you're not alone. Reflection is a major part of understanding where you've been and where you're going. Looking at the past has its place and the best part of all of this? you look at your children and there's the proof of an afterlife, there's a huge part of your mam walking and talking in each of 'em. The great designer is a very clever fella indeed.