Monday, December 25, 2006

Make a Wish.........

Not so fast though. This wish is not on a star in the conventional way. Rather this is the much more interesting way of 'wishing on a DEATHSTAR!'

How does this work?

Well, as the Deathstar was used in Star Wars for destroying planets, so I am going to put it to better use and get it to rid us of things that need to go. It could be a personal thing or maybe a larger issue in the world but join in as i think this could be telling.

Shall I start?

I wish on the Deathstar, that it would destroy campness. (i dont mean gay that doesnt offend me its rather the lispy cock your leg into the air mannerisms that overtake someone the day after they've come out) Also, I make the wish to destroy all reality TV so I can get my life back on Saturday evenings.

now its your turn

Sunday, December 10, 2006

the number you have tried is busy please try again later.......

.........or you can leave a message

Hi this is Chuckie i'm currently off on another holiday at the moment, but your call matters to me. So please leave me a message and I will endeavor to return your call as the next available moment.