Friday, April 21, 2006

Causality, Ying and Yang or is it just sods law?

As you may be aware I was looking forward to last weekend. And in all ways it worked out well. Family time well spent and enjoyed by all.

So with this in mind it was obvious that this was going to evoke a natural law to bring back the balance to my life. Causality to those who haven't seen the Matrix trilogy may be helped by the explanation that its all to do with cause and effect. Be-cause I had a good bank holiday weekend and a good week, the effect was that divine lightening had to strike at sometime!! Of course I didn't realise this at the time but rather I was happy and smiling and looking a total prat in my temporary smug world.

So what happened that stopped the smug, tore the sheets, frigged the riggin and just plain brought me back down to earth?

I was driving back from a work day in Portsmouth listening to music and news on the radio. Happy as can be. I got within (piggin) 5 MILES of an 80 mile journey and my car did everything except blow up!!!! It jerked, it coughed, it shuddered, it smoked and it STOPPED. I got onto the hard-shoulder and watched my car smoking and pouring oil. Ever the optimist I thought maybe its just overheating and i'll be able to put some water in it when its cooled down and drive the rest of the way back home, I mean even if it wasn't too well I was only 5 miles away, so surely me and my car could stumble home? Oh no, not gonna happen. The reality was I spent nearly 2 1/2 hours standing away from my car on the hard shoulder waiting for a recovery truck to pick me up!! I was frozen. Cars and lorries driving past in their nice warm air conditioned climates at 80 mph, all subconsciously sticking their fingers up at me in a genuine churchill salute. (who's smug now Chux! - not you) :-)

I now feel humbled and I promise to all that I will not be so smug about things like this again and will never brag or get cockey!! (well until the next time anyway)


Delmonti said...

Bad call marra!

Was it the Renault that blew chunks? Oh man.... thats not good.

Well, there are blessing there mate.... At least you were driving and not the wife with the kids in the back. You dont even need to think what could of happened.

jomoore said...

Rotten luck, Chux. Always treat anything close to contentment with some suspicion, I guess.

(Incidentally, I was a bit confused about where in The Matrix they end up in Casualty, then I realised I'd mis-read! D'oh!)

chux said...

yer its was a bummer! I've given up worrying about it for now as the garage bill when i have the motivation to do something about it, is ginna be bad. Oil a pouring out of the engine is a bad sign even for a novice like me.
The upside is that I've had to get out on my bike the last couple of days and thats got to be good for me. The only possible downside is 1) weather and 2) taking my daughter on the back of my bike to playschool , otherwise we just have no other way of getting her there.

Liz Hinds said...

I've noticed that whenever (not that it happens often) I'm feeling good about something I've done, it's a sure thing that I'm about to come tumbling down-o.

Like Jo, I mis-read and was waiting for you to turn up in hospital.

Simon said...

Well that's Sod's law in one helping! When you're on a roll, something kick's your ass. Hopefully your motor is not a write off though.

Chris said...

Apparently we all misread 'causality'. I've just been and bought you a get well card!

chux said...

The one thing I am glad is that neither I or anyone else ended up in casualty because of this accident. Thanks for all your concern though.

(only you lot would connect causality to flippin casualty!! - now write me 100 lines saying 'i will not be a donut')

meljoy said...

LMAO! It did everything BUT blow up? So what's wrong with it? QWhat kinda car is it? According to Dave, you all drive german cars :-) Those motherfuckers are expensive here and if I ever saw one break down on the side of the road, that would be it for the presitge that they currently hold.