Wednesday, April 26, 2006

On your bike!!!

Without many choices in my present situation being car-less, I'm cycling. Yes thats right cycling, not for pleasure or my health, but because I've got no other way of getting anywhere!! How do I feel about this? Well to be honest I don't mind, I could benefit from the exercise thats for sure. It has made it tougher with organizing the kids and school. For instance I've got to take my daughter in her kiddy seat on the back of my bike to playschool tomorrow. This will mean a 3-4 mile detour before my journey to work. That'll hurt for sure as i'm not use to it. By the time I get into the office I hope the paramedics are on standby.
The very best side of using my bike is going out with my kids on local trips. Its like an adventure! So much fun, taking offroad routes to get to destinations is great too. On a previous post I mentioned about going scrambling with my son on our bikes, well this has forced my hand, and i'm greatful as its a top laugh!!!

I don't want to do a piece on cycling history. It has made me think why on earth would someone design and build the penny-farthing? Surely the practicle value of a vehicle that shape is limited? Talk about uncomfortable too. I need a soft seat with extra padding to stop popping the piles and bruising my bum. I can't imagine being able to walk after being on one of these bikes. You'd end up walking like John Wayne!! Surely you'd struggle to stay on and keep your balance?! Riders of this crazy contraption must have often gone head over heals. I looked up a bit about the penny farthing and found this piece of interesting trivia.
"In inexperienced hands injury could results from falls and the term "coming a cropper" came about from the penny's habit of pitching the rider right over the front if they dared lean too far forwards."
Anyway i'm off home on my bike now. funnily enough i'm off to buy my son a new bike too tonight. Is this becoming an obsession? :-)


Chris said...

Well done, Chux, sounds to me as though you're quite enjoying yourself. But I bet you'll be back in the car as soon as it's available!

How on earth do you actually get on ANY of those bikes of yesteryear? Seems to me that you'd need another person to hold it steady plus a stepladder.
My last experience with a bike was last summer when I had this brilliant idea of getting a bike rack for the car and going out with Thomas (grandson) in the school holidays (Windsor Great Park, etc.). Please bear in mind that I hadn't been on a bike for about 45 years but the rumour is that you never forget how to ride a bike.
First off - the bike rack didn't fit. No problem, Halfords will change it I'm sure.
Secondly - I got Jo's bike out of the shed, where it's been for the last few years.
Thirdly - thought I'd better practise in the privacy of the back garden.
Fourthly - got on, rode a few yards, fell off. Felt silly.
Finally - bike put back in shed and is still there.
PS Bike rack for sale - never got round to taking it back to Halfords

meljoy said...

hahaha, this is halarious! You know why? My husbandddddd just bought a bike... and plans to ride it to the track down at temple uni. which is only like a mile away, but still. He's gained 4 pounds over winter, and he's mad at himself. so no driving for him!

But yes... anyways... Good for you, and I hope the bime serves you well. It would be horrible if the chain came off or something, and a car hit you... then you hit a tree... and then... well... yes, it would be horrible...

chux said...

I agree surely you couldn't get onto one of those things without outside help.
I think you should have another go though at cycling. Don't give up just make sure you practise somewhere that has lots of soft pading either side of you. Or maybe strap some foam to your thighs and knees in case of an unfortunate fall! Its only a suggestion :)

Thanks for the concern......I think.
I try to use cycle paths (not quite psychopaths but similar - ha ha ) as often as possible so that is safer.
I wish I only had 4 pounds to lose from the winter, i'm trying to lose it from from the last 10 winters. (and summers and springs oh and autumn(fall) )

jomoore said...

This morning I passed a cyclist with large paniers (ooer!) riding on the busy road right next to a cycle path! What's that all about? Why wouldn't you use the cycle path, eh?

Hmm... Of course, I'm a considerate motorist and I slowed down and passed giving her plenty of room, but I also threw her a perplexed glance in the process. That told her!!

chux said...

yep I have to agree although it is easier to use the road, if there is a cycle path there it should be used!! Its for our safety after all!!

When you are on the road out of necessity the biggest problem by far is making sure the drivers can see you. Many a time i've had a car overtake me and then do an immediate left turn. Blimey its surprising that you're not killed by some idiots. I have been known to shake my fist at these ones and to shout a 'right telling off' at them. (that'll teach them)

If you see a man puffing heavily, obviously not used to the exercise whilst cycling around the area, please drive carefully past him too!! As it might just be me.

Liz Hinds said...

Husband cycled into the back of a security van that pulled out in front of him. It didn't notice so, at the next lights, he cycled up next to it and shook his fist at the driver - who, I bet, was really concerned!

Also husband got stopped by the police for cycling through a red light - on a deserted road at 7 am.

As for me: cycling makes my hip ache, so I can't!