Tuesday, April 04, 2006

nobody told me.....that I am such a plonker

I thought i'd be clever and see how easy it is to search for my blogsite using a Google search.

First I tried the blog title "Like Sputnik, Spherical but quite pointy in parts", and this worked really well. My site was picked up as the first choice.

Now lets try the site address and see if it picks it up? What a mistake this was. Google search for chux-pad finds this as the first item.....
Chux Pad
A large disposable pad consisting of a thick layer of highly absorbant batting with a waterproof synthetic backing. These are frequently used in childbirth, and any other medical situation where a large amount of blood or other body fluid may be discharged
......not exactly what I was expecting!!

So as a 'friend' just said in my office here, my website is named after a large sanitary towel!!!! That is just so typical of me!! How do I do this stuff? I think i'm being intelligent and clever and then my stupidity pops its head out when I don't expect it (like the Nutty professor) and bites me on the bum.

So anyway Mr Stoopid as I now should be known, is just happy that he can be of such use to the world like this!!

A word before I stop. As this seems to be a product from the U.S why haven't my U.S mates told me what a fool I was being? You may laugh at me now but i'll wipe that smile off your face. With an adsorbent pad! (a Chux pad of course) :-) xx

CHUX Underpads An absorbent pad placed under patients to avoid overspill. Use for I.V. starts to avoid bedding and cot contamination.

(Gets the juices flowing nicely at the thought of it - yummy!)


jomoore said...

"other body fluids", "to avoid overspill" - eurgh! And I was just thinking about what to have for tea...! :(

Ooh - so I just looked up www.chux.com - innovative cleaning products!! Mmm... cleaning products...

Splendid post, Chux.

Simon said...

Who would've though it! Great minds come up with cool names, but I wonder what else they use Chux Pads for....

I won't, i'm eating breakfast!

Delmonti said...

Chux.... I constantly remind you that you're a tit.

I'ts my duty

Delmonti said...

sorry, almost forgot....

you're a tit

meljoy said...

prolly kus we didnt know thats what they were called :-) When my water broke they used those, but i was so damn mad about sitting in a puddle of my own fluid that I didn't notice any nurses saying "can someone get me a chux pad?"

Shirley said...

Just think nurses are thinking of your blog every time a woman gives birth!
You can look at every new born and think how you helped!