Monday, January 18, 2010


About the movie Avatar

Just wanted to make this nod to the latest James Cameron movie. He's had a very successful career to date it must be said, but this latest addition could be the top of the tree.

When asked what I thought of the movie, I have to use words such as beautiful, luscious, fantastical and mesmerizing. I did see the film at the best possible screen, the Imax in London, and in 3D.

The imagination and attention to the smallest details make this the most visually stunning film of all time. The story is a familiar one, but the delivery is good. You care what happens to the heroes in the story. You can't help but feel at the end......'oh, I want to live there', and I do!!

Look at the trailer and the featurette that I have linked below, you can get a good idea of the quality of this creation.

Click here to go to the featurette, Experience the World of Pandora.

If you haven't seen it before now and it appeals to you, then I make the suggestion that you should see this movie at the best possible screen you can find, you wouldn't want to miss any of the detail.

Question.... Did you notice the fingers? See anything?


Blue Bakelite Radio said...

Chux~ glad you enjoyed Avatar! Wendy wanted to see it again on Imax 3D (we saw it on a regular screen in our neighborhood in 3D) so last Sunday we went to Plaza Bonita but there was a long line with only 20 seats left open, and we decided to "opt not".

Fingers? I'll have to check out the trailer and watch for the "fingers"... not sure what you mean! (Don't tell me yet).

Blue Bakelite Radio said...

Hello, Chux,

I just watched that movie preview you posted above and didn't notice anything about the fingers.

So I watched it closely again, and this is what I noticed: the genetically engineered Avatar occupied by the main character has five fingers (four+thumb) like a human, but the female lead Na'vi, Neyteri, has only four digits (three+thumb).

chux said...

yay! give yourself a star!

It was weird when I watched the movie I was aware of the 4 fingers, where I didn't realise until I saw the trailer again that the guy had 5.

Well spotted! Do go and see it on Imax, you are emersed into the experience. I am hoping to go see the movie on a normal screen next week, and will take Harry, which will be his first grown up movie. I dont want him to miss out on the experience.

Delmonti said...

ho-hum... it was ok. I'd be more impressed to see how they did the visuals. Story was very Finding Nemo, Dances with wolves, Pocahontas all done in space.

chux said...

I can't argue with the comment about the story, it is very familiar that is true.

It was the presentation of that story that impressed me. I am a believer that a film should be an escape from our surroundings, and this movie did that with icing and a cherry on top.