Friday, February 05, 2010

Off my FACE.......BOOK!

It's empowering you know, cutting myself off at long last from Facebook. What they have been calling social networking, i've been viewing as unsolicited intrusion. It's weird, because I love people and am very social, but that was just making me choke under a barrage of mundane and benign tripe. I know this is only an opinion and one my darling wife doesn't share.

It's probably been like trying to give up smoking. You think oh its alright i'll just cut it down, I control it not the other way around. I thought by killing off my friends links to just a couple of family members and a school mate or two would give me back my life. (hold on thats overdoing it, give me back my ...time? yer. sanity?...yer a bit. soul? hmm) It didn't work. There are too many reasons to enjoy Facebook to try to ease the relationship calmly. So i've had to do the leap of faith and kill the account once and for all, and just hope that I still have some friends after the massive (irony alert) fallout and carnage.

So here I am, me as me! Broken free! Hello-o-o-o-o? is anyone there-e-e-e-e? Am I alone-e-e-e? helloooooooooooo-oo-o-o-o? Oh damn where did I put my old Facebook account details...please let me in!!! Its cold and i'm so lonely!!


Blue Bakelite Radio said...

Hello Chux~ you are not alone!

Hey, I didn't know you were on FB? I would have added you... too late now, I suppose!

I am currently controlling my FaceBook addiction by a strict regimen of just once a week... Fridays!

Agreed, though, lots of mundane tripe. I strongly preferred the old LiveJournal format...

chux said...

with you on that one. I did prefer the previous format. Thing is I can see why it is so popular, but I couldn't control the people contacting me through it no matter how strictly I set the controls. It got to the point where I thought I'm being force to have associations out of my control, and I dont want that to........spoil my useful habits. I am a very sociable person, so it could really get out of hand if I didn't do something about it.

chux said...

To others that last comment may sound a bit heavy....