Thursday, January 14, 2010

Root Canal

Just back from my last session of root canal treatment. Its been ongoing for about 4 months, and this was the last session.

Tell me Charlie, what are your thoughts about the treatment?
Thank you for asking. After some quiet contemplation and thought I feel that another time I would rather stick a fork in my eye than go through this treatment ever again!! People wince when you say root canal, but seriously if you haven't had it done before and they suggest it, do not take the decision to have it done lightly. Anaesthetic to numb will not stop all the pain!!! No way bob! When they start sticking needles into the individual canals of the root and then filing, you are in for it, without a doubt. Now understand i'm not complaining about my dentist, he seems a very competent chap and seems to be genuinely trying to be as careful as he can. Its the treatment itself, it just plain hurts.

Ok Charlie, you expressed that clearly, but was it worth it?
Hmm maybe for some. For me, I think no, just pull the fella out so I look like an 8 year old kid with great gaps in his mouth. I think the look could catch on, and i'd be quite fetching. It should also make whistling a lot easier. (do you remember Phylis Nelson?)

Just wanted to share that to whoever is listening. You are welcome to think of me as a great big wus, but I say you weren't there man! You don't know what it was like! They do things to you, bad things, things that just should not be allowed. He he gotta laugh at yourself!


Blue Bakelite Radio said...

You "great big wus"!

Of course, I didn't think that on my own, you gave me the idea and said I should feel welcome to feel that way.

In reality, however, I really feel for you. Wendy had a root canal about 6 months ago.

Me... my root canal is yet future, I guess.

Blue Bakelite Radio said...

Oh yeah, Chux, one more thing.

There's something different about you in that photo... ?

chux said...

I look very handsome in that photo....just the right balance of teeth and gum.

Delmonti said...

I recently just started to goto the dentist (last time was about 1985). No fillings required but a lot of sand blasting required. I'd of had it pulled instead of the cak you've been through