Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How Old Are You?

We have the Wii at long last!!

After having my name down for what seemed like months I got my call to pick up the console. The thing they never told me was that the price of the bundles and extras was going to be increased greatly because of Xmas! The price when I originally requested the white box of wonder was £220 for the console and ANY 2 games. The price when its a few weeks away from Christmas is £260 with ANY 2 games!! That forty quid was obviously a booking fee, or maybe it was an Overly-Eager fee, and this was the way to cool me down. Maybe i'm doing them an injustice and the extra money is going to charity, and an orange elephant did fly past my window.

That said, we love it and are getting to grips with the delights of Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy and one for Jo we even got Boogie. I must admit all of these games have got a lot of entertainment value. The kids and I love it. Belting out Cool and the Gangs Celebration or watching (not listening) whilst my daughter does the moves to some Pussy Cat Dolls song. In fact a couple of songs i've even scored a million points, which sounds a lot but i'm not sure if thats good or that the game is being charitable. I am proud though that my rendition of YMCA didn't even get me onto the scoreboard it was so bad. Wii Sports has me being thrashed by an 8 year old in bowling, and bruised black and blue by a 6 year old in boxing.

It's definately a machine to get you up and active, and great for family indoor play or party play. I can't see many true gamers being that interested as the spotty, fat, baldy fellas with no mates, will only ever get up to go to the bathroom (if they've forgotten their bottle that is) or maybe to heat up some foamy pizza.

If you are concerned that you may be a bit old to play games anymore. Then I suggest you take the Real Age TEST. This takes into consideration many factors such as lifestyle and heredity to come up with how old you really are.

I was quite pleased when I discovered my Real Age is only 33, and i've knocked 4 years off. Have a go, obviously it's a bit of a laugh and shouldn't be taken seriously......and I can make no promises etc etc......

1 comment:

MaryB said...

Good luck with the Wii. Don't hurt yourself (it'll raise your "Real Age"). BTW - 41.4. And I'm livin' till I'm 91.3. Something tells me my Social Security won't last that long . . .