Friday, September 01, 2006

small kiss, big hug...........(Nacho Libre)

Been a busy couple of weeks.

Worked all last week with 2 friends on painting the outside of my house. I had to play the role of Gaffer (I said Gaffer not Jaffa!) aswell as one of the workers. I am convinced we could have used half the paint if it hadn't been so dertermined to jump off the wall and stick to me instead of doing its job. I'm not kidding anything that wasn't covered over ended up a lovely shade of magnolia. (known as 'mag' to those of us in the trade!- dont you know) Hands, hair, clothes and even my butt creak! For heavens sake is nothing sacred? (no bother it gently blended in the darker hair, how convenient)

We were overly optimistic with how much paint we'd use. I made a guess of 50 litres, my expert decorator Dave (dont start that again) thought we'd only use 30. The actual amount was 80 litres!! How badly wrong were we? You'd expect the paint to be an inch thick in that situation wouldn't you, but it wasnt. So I think I have helped Wickes to reach their paint sales for this year all on my own.

Job looks good now. We celebrated with a trip to Nados and then on to see Nacho Libre at the cinema. A good way to celebrate.

Other Stuff

1) I'm starting to like sad music

2) Went to the funeral of my mothers friend 'May' yesterday. I feel numb.

3) When are we all going to finally learn to put life into perspective?

4) You can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink. (it makes sense to me)

5) The proof of us all is how we deal with things when under pressure. Its easy for all of us when things are going right.

6) Got the kids on my own whilst wifey is visiting a friend in Hastings. It'll be great! I can feel a bike ride coming on.

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

You always need tons more paint than you think. I am imprssed. Husband started painting our house two years ago; it's not finished yet.