Tuesday, September 12, 2006

why Dirty Dancing?

What the heck is it about eh?

More and more i see Dirty Dancing as the ladies favourite 'happy movie'. Can you explain that? I just don't get it Dirty Dancing?!

Is this the only 'happy' movie out there? If I want to help my wife out of a bad mood do I have to play this movie over and over again? Am I destined to seeing this thousands of times before I eventually grow too much hair in my ears and get cataracts? (peace at last)


jomoore said...

My favouritest happy movie is Strictly Ballroom. I think that dancing = happy, movie-wise.

Not only that, but nobody puts Baby in a corner...

chux said...

that was a dodgy quote from the movie wasn't it?!

That just confirms it is an epidemic!

:) btw Singing in the rain is mine but i view that as a classic and of course very manly in a Gene Kelly sort of way.

Chris said...

Yeah, I've never understood that title. Yes it's dancing but they're not wallowing around in mud or anything, are they?

Like Jo, Strictly Ballroom is my favourite along with The Full Monty.

MaryB said...

Guess you had to be there. My older brothers were the age of the kids in the movie - David and his cohorts did their "dirty dancing" (as opposed to the more santitized bop, etc.) at parties in friends' homes. Very scandalous!

I love Dirty Dancing. But also Hairspray (there's some dirty dancing for you), When Harry Met Sally, and So I Married an Ax Murderer.

But I'm with you, Chux - Singin' in the Rain wins hands down over other the others. Gene Kelly's rear end is 'way better than Patrick Swayze's. ;-)

Liz Hinds said...

Yip, got to be Singing in the Rain.

(Never seen Dirty Dancing!)