I've found my mobile phone so you can all just relax. What do you mean you didnt know anything about me
losing my phone. You couldn't here me calling for it like
a lost cat every evening. I walked the streets and moved heaven and earth to find it. Strangley enough I found it in my office the other side of the room on top of a tall cabinet in a desk tray and tucked into the corner. My guess is that the little gremlins or elves that visit my office to push the dust around a bit found it and thought they'd help me by putting it in the most obscure and difficult place they could. You see that way then nobody would tread on it! Ok its overkill as far as keeping it safe is concerned, but i'm just elated to have the little darling back with daddy again. (you're a lovely little thing arnt you? you are..you are !)
There's more to this aswell.
I never thought that I had become so dependant on my phone. Its not like I have friends that call me all the time, or that I spend every evening texting my cool mates like a spotty adolescent. Its the photos on it of family and my ever growing phone list that I couldnt bare to be without. At mums funeral I met up with old friends and obscure family that I haven't seen for 20 years and I don't want to lose contact with them for another 20. You see the value of the phone was greater than the phone itself. I'm not materialist enough to cry over a piece of plastic that makes pretty noises from time to time.
Here's a photo that was on it .....
My kids playing in the garden. I think they are trying to catch flies or something.
I'm the same. I've only got 3 friends, and I don't really talk to 2 of them often, so the phone's not really necessary. But I do still have to check it regularly, just in case...
What a wonderful picture!
Thats a cute pic :-) I too lost my phone this week, but I will be posting aout that later. It's the smallest phone on the american market and its not even a week old, so I almost died!
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