Friday, September 25, 2009

A good day

...thats what my son said about yesterday. Well in full what he actually said 'we have had a good day today dad'.

To break the negativity of work I decided to walk into town do some stuff that needing doing but hadn't got round to it yet. the day was proving to be beautiful outside, so my son decided to join me. We walked and talked our way into town. I did the things I had to and said lets go get a coffee, so we ended up below De La Warr Pavillion next to the sea having a 99 flake whilst sitting on the stones. It was blissful, we talked, we listened to the waves coming in, threw some stones, cuddled up and talked some more. It was only 30 mins I guess but probably the best 30mins we've spent together for weeks.

I know not everyone lives by the sea like this, but we should all take a break from what we are doing. Even just 30 mins, so that we can all have 'a good day'. If we don't then we just end up allowing ourselves to be victims of circumstance. People that get to the end of the day and huff, just glad that its over and that we can go to sleep and forget it all. It shouldn't be like this, everyday should be a good day, but we just have to chose to step away from the mundane so that we can make it one. What made the difference to the day wasn't that I had less work stress or that I'd had a financial windfall. Things are really bad for everyone in those areas at the moment including me. What made the difference was stepping out of it for a bit, being with my son and enjoying our little life together.

thanks son! This post hasn't turned out how I had expected. Originally it was just meant to be a note saying we had a nice day.....funny how thoughts evolve.


jomoore said...

Lovely post, Chuckie, and how right you are!

There's obviously something in the air - I've had one of those days today, and have just blogged about it!

One more thing that's made me smile: the word verification for this comment is 'daticake'. Now, I like dates, and I like cake...

MaryB said...

Loved this, chux. So true, so true.