Friday, October 02, 2009

I'm a Numan newman!

As far as music goes, one of my biggests desires has been to go to more 'gigs'. I mean gigs rather than concerts. The main reason for this is that i've been to so many larger events and came away feeling it was all a bit....flat. In part I reckon that is because the venue is too big and you don't pick up on the chemistry from the performance. Well hopefully that is changing. I've booked myself to see the Electronic Music God himself, Gary Numan on 17th November. He's doing a night at the Brighton Dome, which is a smaller venue. I thought i'd warm myself up by looking up some clips from his previous concerts. Now to be honest and yet a little gross I'm wetting myself with anticipation. The clips I've seen are genuinely awesome! It's different to what I was expecting, much much heavier, but better for it. See what you think! I'm up for suggestions on who to see next.

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