Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It never rains but it pours.......

It never rains but it pours, I don't think this saying is meant to have such a literal application?

If you are anything like me you'll have had enough of the rain by now!! I just want to get out and enjoy the lovely Sussex surroundings. The few times its dried up I've been inconveniently doing something else, like working.

I live in the UK surely I should be use to it? Not in July I'm not!! June too, can you believe how wet its been. I'm almost considering building the Ark and getting the hamster in the
re ready.

An argument that might be used is that it is Wimbledon and it always rains during Wimbledon. This is very true, but I bet even Wimbledon didn't think they'd be dealing with hailstones in the UK. I tell you hailstones might be handy if Cliff Richard starts his old shenanigans again at the tournament. Also a spot of carefully directed lightening might come in handy if he breaks into Bachelor Boy or Living Doll! Unless he has the young ones with him then its allowed!

I guess you get the idea that I'm a bit miffed at the moment. I think what has brought this on is that I've caught a flu of some kind that has made me spend most of the last few days in bed. I'm on pain killers to help with the additional pains I'm getting from it in my legs, feet, arms, back and chest.

But what would you expect eh? As they say, It never rains but it pours!


jomoore said...

Sorry you're poorly, Chuckie.

I quite like the rain (no, really)! Only because it's big proper rain, and not that drizzly stuff. If it was drizzly I'd be miserable. But it's not, so I'm not...

Of course, if I was on holiday/at Wimbledon/living in a lovely part of the country/living in a flooded part of the country I might not be so irritatingly upbeat about it.

But look how green everything is!! :o)

Liz Hinds said...

Poor thing! Still you're better off in bed at the moment. I can't believe the rain here and the mist and the general greyness.

Get well soon!

Just had a thought: this has all happened since you moved to the coast ...

MaryB said...

Ah, I love a good rain (like Jo), but from what I hear, you guys are getting more than your fair share. Stay dry and get well!