Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hamster Balls

There were a lot of things that I 'intended' to put into my latest post. After considering all things i've decided to forget it all. Rather I just want to say I think hamster balls are great!! (not to be mistaken for hamster's balls which is a very different subject)

Why am I saying this? Well our family is hamster sitting for 3 weeks, and we decided to buy our latest lodger a hamster ball, so she can mingle with the family. It's great, i'm typing away now and there's this ball rolling in the periphery. Its mad, but it just makes me smile. I salute the inventor of this most amusing invention!! Fantastic!!!!!! If there was ever a reason to own a hamster, its got to be having them crash and bang and roll around your home in a hamster ball.

N.B No hamster were harmed in the creation of this blog post. (instead she has been well fed and cared for by all the family)


Chris said...

I think you should do a blog on hamsters' balls. You could comment on their dress, their dancing and how much they enjoy them. You could even consider holding one for your guest and friends!!

chux said...

I hadn't thought of that!? Might make a good blog but i'm not sure i'm the man for that job. ;-D

Simon said...

Well i am too a club of the great hamster ball. Oour hamster (Tixie) has one and we try to let her out twice in 30 minute bursts through the afternoon. They're genius inventions

meljoy said...

chuckie, can you do me a favor (i'm sorry) can you forward me what I wrote to you on sunday? about loving differently. I didn't keep that one either!

meljoy said...

and the hamster ball is cute :-)