Friday, April 17, 2009

weighing it all up

This post is a bit mundane, of which I can only apologise. I had to tell someone though, because it is good news. You see when it comes to losing weight I'm always sceptical about myself and that I will keep it up. That chocolate and ice cream will make me fall. That crisps and cakes will dissolve my resolve. (ooo poetry) But after realising that unless I did something drastic about my weight and do it now, i'd only be able to weigh myself on HGV scales when the operator was at lunch. Knowing how it is for me i'd bet he'd take sandwiches that day and be working through lunch anyway.

To be honest I have felt so sickened and disgusted with myself and my weight, that the wrong sort of food just makes me grimace. Thing is that isn't a negative feeling for me. I'm really pleased it has made me feel like that. I have come to realise that any half-hearted approach to weight loss just doesn't work. I can't be moderate or modest or even controlled because they are just excuses to eat rubbish from time to time. To do that would be the end of it for me, and i'm now getting to a point where I think I'm going to do this right and sort myself out once and for all!

So, let me talk results to date. Well i'm very pleased and a bit shocked that I have lost only half a pound shy of 2 stone in weight (thats 28 pounds!). That means i'm half way through my first target of 4 stone. I'm really please with that. I'm also pleased that I don't feel the urge to celebrate with fish and chips! Nope i'm happy as I am for now, and i'm not going change anything as its working.

Sorry to bore you.


Delmonti said...

flippin' hell fella! thats almost half a leg!

So come on, hows ya doing it?

chux said...

thanks mate! I am pleased. I'm not going to say its been easy, but I guess like giving up anything, you need to be committed and so cravings arn't a temptation, just an annoyance.

I'm going the low carb way as it was the only way I could think of to lose enough weight quick enough. Unlike previous attempts, I don't take days off from it. Saying that, one time we went for dinner at friends and they served up Lasagne, which I had, but I didn't allow it to slow my commitment down the rest of the time.

I'm sure at some point i'm going to get fed up with it, but i'm just trying to delay its coming as long as I can. This initial 4 stone is a must.

Thanks for your encouragement bro and all best to you and Liz

jomoore said...

Wow! Fantastic, Chuckie! I'm so proud of you - and you must really be proud of yourself. It's such a great feeling: not just the weight loss, but the feeling of getting back in control of something that got away from you.

You've inspired me to give myself a kick up the backside (will have to get into yoga to do that, though, I think...), and a fridge full of healthy grub is hopefull the place to start (see my latest, not-very-interesting, blog...).

Keep it up - looking forward to the next Blues Brothers performance where you get to be Elwood... ;o)

jomoore said...

P.S. NOT boring! It's not like you're talking about doing housework...! ;o)