Friday, August 17, 2007

A Quick One....If you could turn back time

What would you like to go back and change and why? (keep it as abusive free as the English language allows of course)

For me I have nagging reminders of events that I did wrong and people i've been mean too. I didn't do stuff like this often but when I did it was like cutting myself down too.

Also, i'd like to the change the conversation I had with my dear old friend Sheila who said on one saturday, shall we go see your mother in hospital today? I said "no, lets go to the garden centre like i'd promised you, as i'm seeing mum tomorrow". This of course was true, but when I saw mum the next day she was dead. (i'm not hating myself for this, just disappointed...)



petercmoore said...

Ooh, blimey. I don't think I've ever regretted big stuff. Just little stuff that doesn't really matter.

I think most of the decisions I'd change would be related to, erm, let's call them personal encounters of a saucy nature!

[I'm not going to be too blunt with my Mum & my Sister reading!]

There are a couple of opportunities which I now recognise I should have leapt at, and at least one which I really shouldn't have bothered about.

As to why... Well, why wouldn't you - given the chance? The missed opportunities were both when I was single. Of course, if I'd taken either of them, I may not have still been single for the next one, nor met my first wife, so I wouldn't have met My Lovely Young Wife and the whole of history would have been different.

OK. Let's simplify this:
I wish I'd recognised the opportunity to sleep with that girl at college, because then Hitler would never have been born and there would be no global warming.

I think that sums it up...

chux said...

I can see that. Opportunities not taken!

I have some relationship stuff i'd have liked to have said to the other person before they dumped me. Hindsight really gets on my nerves sometimes- ha ha!

jomoore said...

Good question, Chux. Like PT, I don't have any big regrets - it's not worth it, right? Everything you do shapes you, and if you didn't do it that way, you wouldn't be where you are now.

Hm... deep...

So, if I could go back in time and change one thing? It would be the moment when the DNA and chromosomes and stuff did their magic thing, and meant I didn't inherit my Dad's ability to eat anything and not put on weight. ;o)

Delmonti said...

Well, first off I'd need some sort of review machine and an editing suite, probably a large speadsheet to log all the changes too.

Clare said...

I would have fallen in love with Phil in my first year at uni, rather than the last weeks of the final year...Would have saved me a lot of unsuitable relationships!!! (but then maybe he would have killed me by now...hmm!)

MaryB said...

. . . Regrets. I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention . . .

No, wait. That was Frank Sinatra, not me.

I regret that I never figured out how to win the lottery or marry a rich old guy. I regret some words that have tumbled out of my mouth that were hurtful. I regret being too conservative in my youth. (But I'm making up for it now!)