Tuesday, November 15, 2005

all about me....blah blah blah

I'm married with children. I love my family dearly and think being a dad is great. I always try to be happy and see the funny side of life although "the man" and grown-up responsibilities can get in the way.

Work is a means to an end, which usually means it ends Friday 5 p.m sharp! (or to those in the know, work ends about 12 noon down the pub!)

I'm a loyal friend to my 'mates'. I have recently found out something new about myself which is that I can be too pushy and persistant at times. This was only discovered after explaining these same traits that I had discovered in my son. At which a number of 'friends' replied he's a chip off the old block.(meaning he's just like me)

My purpose for this blog is to have a place where I can talk about stuff I think about and then use my new found pushy trait to defend my point of view.


Delmonti said...

Hmmmmm. Very nice.

Delmonti said...

....and who the hell is Stuart MacKenzie? Is he the gay one from blueboyzowntakethat?

chux said...

funny you should ask that my old fruit , it is the subject of my latest blogg which is on its way. Believe me it has nothing to do with very bad pop music.

petercmoore said...

Chuckie - get an RSS feed, for heaven's sake, or people won't come back to read.

By the way - Hello! How're you diddling?

meljoy said...

Hello, yep, I know you.. You're married...with kids... Woot!

Isn't is amazing how I do that?



chux said...

PT thanks for looking my way. I'll get one of those as soon as i find out what one is again.......(DAve!!!! er can you help!)