Friday, June 19, 2009

What does it say about me

I recall a personality test I did for a job about 20 years ago, done by some chap called McQuaig. It asked you to rate what you thought of yourself and what you believed your friends thought of you. I think in principle it was saying that, what you think your friends think of you is more like you really are, and what you think of yourself, is your potential, what you could become.
Does that come across clearly enough? err ...hope so.

Anyway it was with this thought I was thinking what do the cards my friends sent me when I was sick say about what they think of me? For instance this one.......

Then there are the 2 I got via (obviously their advertising is working), that seem to suggest that the brewer industry would be suffering whilst I was ill and unable to drink.

This goes back to my point, what does this all say about me? I like to think it says I have a good sense of humour and enjoy a sherbert with my friends.


Delmonti said...

Well, being a hetrosexual bloke I didnt get you a "get well" card.... or any card for that matter.... except birthday and Xmas cards of course and thats simnply for the entertainment value.

But if I had got a card it would be a funny, helpful, kind, considerate card....

or perhaps one with massive jumbly whoppers on the front.

jomoore said...

All my birthday cards mysteriously had the number 40 on them. What are people trying to tell me with that? It's obviously not my age or anything...

chux said...

your chrissy card is still probably the funniest thing i've seen in years!

A genuine masterpiece! Lucky i'm not touchy tho ha ha