We've had our first major rehearsal for the show and the triumphal return of the
Blues Brothers, along with other less interesting acts. At this point I can confirm we were complete rubbish. It all went so wrong....
1) Didn't get the intro music ready in time to practice my warm up words.
2) Sound tech was farting about with our first song and it bombed out half way through our performance.
3) Missed my queue in the song and couldn't get back into it properly.
4) Sang out of key. I sing low as a contrast in 'Everybody Needs Somebody' but I just don't sound right, and I don't have enough power.
(I need more power Cap'n)5) Wasn't close enough to the microphone, and thus people couldn't hear me. Paul was fine, as he naturally eats the mic when he sings anyway.
6) Both of us arrived in bad moods and headache's, it's safe to say both of us left like that too.
To top it off, someone asked which Blues Brother am I? The short fat one, or the thin tall one? It didn't take Einstein to work out that i'm both, taller and fatter.
At this rate I don't think we are on a mission from god, rather, we need some divine intervention to make us good!